My start and my role at FOSTEC & Company

Before joining FOSTEC, I completed a Master of Business Administration at the Mannheim Business School and the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore. Before that, I worked for several years in a start-up in the education sector.

In strategy consulting, no two workdays are the same and the tasks are highly dependent on the respective project. The projects I manage include e-commerce and digitalisation projects or commercial due diligence projects.

In e-commerce strategy projects, we help our clients define what the future sales structure should look like and which sales channels should be used best and how. In addition, we quantify the effect, i.e. we determine the turnover and margin potential and derive the ROI from this. Subsequently, we support the implementation. In digitalisation projects, for example, we support clients in the development of new and disruptive business models in order to be competitive.

My most exciting project experience

My most exciting project so far was the commercial due diligence of a secure messenger for a private equity investor. The question was whether the business model is sustainable and whether it makes sense for this investor to acquire the company for his portfolio.

During the commercial due diligence we analysed different facets of the company. For example, the competition. How active are the competitors and what services do they offer. We also looked at how big the market for such services is and how fast it is growing. And then, of course, the company’s ability to develop new services and features, as well as the development of current customers. In a very short time, you gain an incredible amount of insight into the company, but also the industry in which it operates.

Challenges in strategy projects are the quick familiarisation with partly still unknown topics often in a very short time and the flexibility to react quickly to changing information or customer wishes.

What drives and motivates me

What motivates me so much about strategy consulting are two aspects: Impact and the incredibly steep learning curve. You have a say in the strategic direction the company will take in the next few years. At the same time, you learn an incredible amount of new things every day. These two aspects drive me to be active as a strategy consultant every day.

When I think about the future of FOSTEC, I find it very exciting to be able to help shape so much here and develop the company further. We are given a lot of freedom and are allowed to contribute, for example, to the development of new concepts and consulting services. That also fits in wonderfully with our motto. Challenge. Disrupt. Unleash. Question ideas, change them and create new potential from the new.


Markus Skoda, MBA unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Strategieenwicklung und der operativen Umsetzung mit Fokus auf E-Commerce und Digitalisierung.

Markus Skoda

Senior Consultant
Markus Skoda, MBA unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Strategieenwicklung und der operativen Umsetzung mit Fokus auf E-Commerce und Digitalisierung.

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+49 (0) 711 995857-0

+49 (0) 711 995857-99

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