Values & Philosophy We stand for personal integrity and high ethical standards. Our work is characterised by credibility and the ability to listen. Here, you can learn more about our values and philosophy. We stand for personal integrity and high ethical standards. Our work is characterised by credibility and the ability to listen. Here, you can learn more about our values and philosophy. Learn more FOSTEC & CompanyCompanyValues & Philosophy Our Self-Conception We stand for personal integrity and for high ethical standards. Credibility and the ability to listen characterize our work. Our Vision Our vision is to be the leading independent strategy consulting boutique with focus on digitalisation and e-commerce – and to be recognised as such. To this end, we pursue a commitment to four core values. Our Values At FOSTEC & Company, our clients and their needs are of paramount importance. Their trust is the foundation on which our company is built – and our clients’ fields of business are where we feel most at home. We enable our customers to break new ground and create measurable competitive advantage. Our staff are most important capital. As such, we motivate them to perform at their best, support them and encourage them to participate in interdisciplinary exchange. Each of our team members has their own strengths and weaknesses – and we welcome this, since it’s our belief that diversity enhances the performance of the team as a whole. Notwithstanding this diversity, however, all members of FOSTEC & Company share certain key values that characterise their cooperation both in internal teams and with clients and stakeholders. Our Philosophy Curiosity, dependability, a commitment to high achievement and team spirit characterise our way of working. FOSTEC & Company‘s aim is to help your business on the way to success – so it goes without saying that our own work is subject to rigorous quality standards. We guide our clients safely to their goals (even where this means crossing new terrain), actively promote the transfer of know-how to their employees and accelerate the operationalisation of their strategy. For us, providing a consulting service means being available to our customers on a permanent basis and whenever they need us – not only in the strategy phase, but also during implementation. Successful implementation is a vital prerequisite for the creation of value and thus for providing clients with the greatest possible benefit. In this regard, we are also aware of our limits.The only services we offer are those we can provide at the highest level – that’s something on which you can rely. Cooperation between employees and FOSTEC & Company is based on the following core values: Our current vacancies