Fashion & Clothing Learn more FOSTEC & CompanyIndustriesFashion & Clothing The digitalisation of the fashion and apparel industry continues to gain momentum. Agile, online-affine players are entering the market with customer-benefit-oriented business models and increasingly threatening the brick-and-mortar top dogs. For the latter, there is a correspondingly acute need for digital transformation and a strategy to avert advancing disruption. Excerpt of customer quotesThanks to their excellent know-how and expertise, FOSTEC & Company were able to offer us outstanding support in finding and formulating a strategy. Worthy of special mention are the up-to-date nature of their specialist knowledge and the company's capacity to adapt to requirements, which allowed us to define an individual approach.Martin Leusmann, Managing Director of UvexRead more quotes
Thanks to their excellent know-how and expertise, FOSTEC & Company were able to offer us outstanding support in finding and formulating a strategy. Worthy of special mention are the up-to-date nature of their specialist knowledge and the company's capacity to adapt to requirements, which allowed us to define an individual approach.Martin Leusmann, Managing Director of UvexRead more quotes