A team is a group of people pursuing a common goal or a set of related goals and assuming different roles as part of this process. Teamwork has become known for its outstanding achievements over the course of recent history, from discoveries in the aerospace and space sector to huge advances in our understanding of the human genome. Teamwork also contributes to the personal development of individual members, since when we work with others, we learn more than when we work alone. Communication is important for enabling us to overcome shared challenges. Whether a project is ultimately successful depends largely on the quality of collaboration between individual team members. Since successful project management is largely dependent on the team’s collaboration, it is not only the specific objectives of the project that the project manager must focus on, but the relationships in the team and team development.

Teamentwicklung (Phasen) im Projektmanagement (Phases of Team Development in Project Management)

Markus Fost

Grin Publishing

ISBN: 978-3640527151


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