Studie 2016: Knut und die Amazonen Learn more FOSTEC & CompanyWhite PapersStudie 2016: Knut und die Amazonen Why “Amazon would never do such a thing” is not a good basis for an Amazon strategy: Markus Fost and Adrian Hotz lay out the reasons in their thought-provoking market study. With experience gathered across more than 100 consulting projects, the authors provide in-depth insights into the disruptive Amazon ecosystem and explain why an Amazon strategy is vital to manufacturers’ survival. In addition to a comprehensive overview of the complex Amazon ecosystem, the 49-page study affords an outlook on the future developments set to have a significant impact on commerce. The study is rounded out by expert interviews with representatives of brand manufacturers who have several years’ experience working with Amazon. The study can be downloaded free of charge as a PDF file. Content of the study “Knut und die Amazonen” (“Knut and the Amazons”): Foreword by Alexander Graf E-Commerce and Amazon: The Tsunami and the Island About the Authors Markus Fost Adrian Hotz Amazon – The Alpha and Omega Survival in the Amazon World Through the Undergrowth Expert Interviews Jörg Kundrath – KAVAJ Stephan Waldeis – AL-KO Witha Rausch – L’Oréal Niels Haußmann – XciteRC References To download for free, please enter your name and e-mail address in the form. You will immediately receive the download link by email. DOWNLOAD To download for free, please enter your name and email address in the form below. You will immediately receive the download link by e-mail. Your first name*Your surname*Your email address* Your phone number*Company*Click here for more information about data protection. Yes, I want to receive the FOSTEC & Company newsletter Click here for more information about data protection.