Dossier 2015: Amazon – Curse and Blessing for Brand Manufacturers Learn more FOSTEC & CompanyWhite PapersDossier 2015: Amazon - Curse and Blessing for Brand Manufacturers The dossier “Amazon – Curse and Blessing for Brand Manufacturers” by FOSTEC & Company is based on many years of consulting experience with various manufacturers and dealers, as well as direct cooperation through participations of FOSTEC. The 87-page dossier gives you a comprehensive overview of the complex Amazon ecosystem and an outlook on future developments that will have a massive impact on trade. You can download the dossier as a PDF file free of charge. Content of the dossier: Amazon – curse and blessing for brand manufacturers: Facts & Figures from Amazon The Amazon business model – a complex ecosystem Amazon Technical Infrastructure Relevance of Amazon in the manufacturer environment The Amazon Ranking – Crucial for the visibility of manufacturer brands Outlook and theses on the future development of Amazon Download Amazon dossier for free To download for free, please enter your name and email address in the form below. You will immediately receive the download link by e-mail. We wish you many new insights when reading the documents. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require further information. Find your Amazon strategy with our expertise! Further information on our approach can be found here. DOWNLOAD To download for free, please enter your name and email address in the form below. You will immediately receive the download link by e-mail. Your first name*Your surname*Your email address* Your phone number*Company*Click here for more information about data protection. Yes, I want to receive the FOSTEC & Company newsletter Click here for more information about data protection.